
9 comentarios:

{ sp3nny } at: 6 de mayo de 2011, 14:50 dijo...

trippy pictures, thanks

{ Xzib1t } at: 6 de mayo de 2011, 23:06 dijo...

Yeah, I was OMG, with the girls hair for a bit.

{ Unknown } at: 6 de mayo de 2011, 23:18 dijo...

Love the second one.

{ Nocontrol } at: 7 de mayo de 2011, 1:42 dijo...

i have a friend who did checkers all up his arms like the second picture... it ended up smudging and making him look really dirty hahah

{ choikesta } at: 7 de mayo de 2011, 3:26 dijo...

Wow great pics, like the first one a lot with the hands coming out of the hair.

{ Youtuber } at: 7 de mayo de 2011, 10:52 dijo...

The second one is awesome!

{ brn } at: 7 de mayo de 2011, 16:08 dijo...

that is so beautiful! :o the second one is outstanding.

{ Come At Me Bro } at: 7 de mayo de 2011, 19:15 dijo...

This is great!

Anónimo at: 7 de mayo de 2011, 23:43 dijo...

great pics, love them all

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