Free Stock Images for artists

This is a list of DeviantArt users with images used for stock, enjoy!
Please read the rules of respective users to use their pictures for references or other.

9 comentarios:

{ Xzib1t } at: 4 de mayo de 2011, 14:33 dijo...

Hey thanks, these will come in useful.

{ Pony } at: 4 de mayo de 2011, 16:38 dijo...

Haha good photos.

{ Alex } at: 4 de mayo de 2011, 18:12 dijo...


{ KATE KUSH } at: 4 de mayo de 2011, 20:21 dijo...

I love the image of a girl in an elegant fairytale gown with badass tattoos on her back and shoulders. Great photos.

{ B Jeezy } at: 4 de mayo de 2011, 22:45 dijo...

nice pics

{ Lunarchy } at: 4 de mayo de 2011, 23:04 dijo...

Thanks a bunch! I've been looking for a good source for free stock photos, that search is over!

Anónimo at: 4 de mayo de 2011, 23:24 dijo...

ooh thanks a lot! I always get stuck on poses, so usually I just draw really boring standing poses... "orz

{ Nocontrol } at: 5 de mayo de 2011, 3:18 dijo...

some nice looking photos here

{ choikesta } at: 5 de mayo de 2011, 3:48 dijo...

Nice post, very useful

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